17 A P R I...
17 A P R I L 🤩 S A V E I T
▫️Will we see you there???
V E N U E ▫️Centurion
▫️We are so excited!!!
If you've been to one of our events you will know to save this date 👒📿💄 And if you haven't been to one yet, then it would be lovely to have you 🎈🎉🎀
W H A T ? ? @madeleencurnick and her fashion brand @iwantbytrendity and @zetskevpletzen and her fashion brand @halo_by_zetske will be hosting another ladies event. It is all about spending time with friends whilst shopping, sipping wine and digging through your awesome goodybag.
▫️17 April 2021
T W O ▫️E V E N T S to choose from
Morning = Goodybag, breakfast snacks, tea and champagne
Evening = Goodybag, dinner snacks, wine, gin, coffee and an 'old school' garden fashion show
T I C K E T S ▫️ are not available yet. We will post as soon as you can buy your e-ticket
#ladiesnight #savethedate #shoppertunity #gardenfashionshow #iwant #iwantevent #iwantladiesnight #iwanttogo #supportlocal #localcolab #colabsa #supporteachother #momtrepreneurs #safashion